Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Last Market for Me

   I woke up early the day before departure, restless but tired, needing to embrace every last minute of our year abroad. I ran into town to hit the boulangerie for a last Sacristan pastry and bid farewell to our favorite Patissier. It was market day- I will miss these regular village gatherings, listening to the French chitter/chatter of catching up on the week's worth of gossip. After filling their baskets, friends migrate to the cafes for a drink and rest to watch the passers' by.
   Summer produce was just starting. Ripe melons, cherries and apricots were so full of flavor. I will miss the dedication to the taste of food.

1 comment:

Fake Tan Dubai said...

What a beautifully nostalgic post! Your vivid description of the last market day before departure truly transported me to that charming village scene. The French chitter/chatter, the aroma of pastries, and the vibrant summer produce - you've captured the essence of a moment that's both bittersweet and full of flavor. Safe travels on your journey, and thank you for sharing this heartwarming snapshot of your year abroad!